Heavenly Hydrangeas
It is the summer months when we see the very best of the hydrangeas, in all their glory. Here are just three of our favourites:
Hydrangea Macrophylla 'Zorro Blue' (lace-cap variety) - this mature specimen planted to the right of our cafe terrace, is known for its azure blue flowers and dark black stems, contrasting well with its bright lime green foliage. It is hardy and wind resistant, best planted in part shade. A great coastal plant.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' AGM - a spectacular late summer flowering shrub with huge globose heads of creamy-white flowers. Best planted in moist soil, a great woodland plant that enjoys a little shelter.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' AGM - a magnificent large cone shape flower which slowly turns to pink, providing a two-tone effect. A sturdy, hardy plant which thrives in a moist, sunny to part-shade position.