Time for Trees
It's only early September but already the nights are cooler and there are dew covered garden spider webs stretched out between the shrubs in our gardens. Now is the time to think about planting trees.
We may have an 'Indian Summer' where the the daytime temperature rises to balmy levels but there is a change in the air and light and we should therefore embrace it. Now is the time to get out and plant trees while the soil is still warm and their 'feet' can get down before regrowth starts next spring.
If you have a seaside coastal garden why not plant an Arbutus Unedo (Strawberry tree) or the pink flushed flowered form 'Rubra'. We have both on single trunks which will grow to around 4 metres plus in height and give you an evergreen, round headed tree with attractive brown/red shredding bark and Lilly of the Valley shaped flowers, followed by lovely strawberry-like fruits.
Related to both rhododendrons and heather this tree is different as it is lime tolerant, unlike other members of the Ericacea family.
We also have the lovely Parrotia Persica (Persian Ironwood) from the witch hazel family. Another small and also lime tolerant tree, the autumn foliage colours of red and gold are very reliable and as the tree ages, its bark flakes in plates like that of a London Plane tree.
In late winter to early spring, the bare branches are covered with deep crimson witch hazel-like flowers which sometimes can be overlooked. Another interesting feature is that if the branches of this tree meet as they grow, they can fuse together where they touch.
Our pot tree lines are now full of new stock with trees for gardens large and small and for all sites, conditions and aspects.